With Freshmarketer’s marketing automation workflows, aka the journeys, you can send data directly to your Freshsales account.

These blocks will come in handy when you want to send your leads to your Freshsales CRM only after qualifying or nurturing them. You can also assign leads directly to your reps from within these blocks in Freshmarketer’s journeys.

With these blocks, you can,

  • Add a lead in Freshsales
  • Add/update a contact
  • Add/update a deal
  • Add notes

Follow these steps to add a lead to your Freshsales account directly from Freshmarketer:

  1. From your Freshmarketer account, locate Marketing Journeys on the left pane.

  1. Select All Journeys button and click on the Journey where you want to send leads to your Freshsales account.

  1. Locate the Freshsales blocks on the right side, under the action tab.

  1. Drag and drop the Add Freshsales lead block to your existing journey.

  1. Click on the block to configure Freshsales lead fields.

  2. Connect your Freshsales CRM by providing the domain name and Freshsales API key.

  1. Provide the Last Name and First Name of the lead using the merge tags by clicking the ⊞ at the right.

  1. Assign the owner from the dropdown listed below.

  1. Enter the Lead Stage. The stages depend on your Freshsales configuration.

  1. Fill in the Work and Mobile fields using the merge tags.

  1. Click on the Start Journey button at the top right to publish your journey.

You have successfully set up the journey to add a marketing qualified lead to your Freshsales CRM. Similarly, you can make use of the other Freshsales blocks to update contacts or deals.