There are two options available in the Freshmarketer to send your email campaign. After creating your campaign, you can either send it immediately or you can schedule sending for a future date and time. This option is best suitable for scheduled announcements.

On your Review tab, click on the Send now dropdown menu. You will get the below two options.

  1. Send now - The campaign will be sent immediately.

  2. Schedule - The campaign will start to send on the specified date and time. 

On click of schedule, you will get an option to set the future date and time as shown below.


You can also set the time zone of your choice. By this, the campaign will be initiated on the specified sender’s time zone. The time zone you choose will be converted to your corresponding UTC time. If the timezone is not chosen, the current UTC time will be considered. Once scheduled, the status of the campaign will be changed from draft to 'scheduled'.

Monitoring your campaign’s status: 

You can view the status of your campaigns from the email campaign dashboard. Click on the All Status dropdown to filter the campaigns based on the status.