Features Provided Crazyegg Freshmarketer
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Funnel Analysis
NO Yes
A/B Testing
Yes Yes
Split URL testing
NO Yes
Form Analytics
NO Yes
Polls & Feedback
NO Yes
Google Universal Analytics
Snippet support in
Wordpress, Shopify, Drupal
Wordpress, Shopify, GoDaddy, Google Tag Manager, Joomla, Magneto, SquareSpace
Number of active experiments allowed
HTTPS support for all pages
Yes Yes
Encryption of sensitive data at Rest
NO Yes
Data backup in multiple locations/GEO regions
Online support
Online support, Phone support
Snippet Type
Synchronous and asynchronous
Pricing Plan
Based on total visits per month
Based on number of unique visitors per month
Session Recordings  Yes Yes

Our competitive advantages

  • Real time visualization & reporting of heatmaps.
  • Generate dynamic live heatmaps report, instead of viewing them in snapshots.
  • Heatmaps for dynamic elements (sliding banners, drop down menu, etc).
  • Support for responsive HTML5 and CSS3 websites.
  • Heatmaps for gated pages via Chrome extension.
  • In-depth metrics on Number of clicks in the website.
  • Consolidated reports for pages with common templates.
  • Pricing plan is based on number of unique visitors per month, rather than total number of visits per month. Example: When a user visits a website 10 times in a month, Freshmarketer considers it as 1 unique visit, while others consider it as 10 visits.

Technical Support
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