Freshmarketer allows you to track clicks on element to know how many clicks happened for the specific element such as SignUp, Submit or any CTA buttons

You will be able to choose elements for which you would like to track clicks while configuring AB test experiment. This option can be found under Goals => Conversion => Track click on elements => and then select “Choose element”. Now Freshmarketer will load the webpage inside the app for you to choose the element you would like to track.


But, In some cases, you will get a blank page or alignment may not be proper like in the above screenshot. It is a common behavior due to Cross origin resource sharing & violation of content security policy of the website. In such conditions you can follow the below method to Track click on elements 

Alternative Method:

In AB visual editor, Right click on the element for which you would like to track clicks and then choose last option “Track Clicks” 

Now, you can visually identify the elements that are set to track click conversions in your AB test. 

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