Walk through this guide to know more on poll widget.


Polls: Widget

  1. Minimize poll- Some of your visitors might answer the poll after sometime. Some might not be likely to answer the poll at that moment. By minimizing the poll a user can answer the poll later.

Example: Polls having questions like:

  • Did you find this article useful?
  • Did you find what you are looking for, in this page?
  • Is our pricing plan clear?

Questions of the above kind can be answered only upon reading the existing page content. When a poll carrying such question is triggered, the user can minimize the poll and answer them, when he/she is likely to give.

  1. Submitting response- Freshmarketer allows users to add multiple questions for a single poll and every response is passed to our servers. Answer for each question is submitted by clicking on Next button. Instant responses and reports are displayed for your poll.

Read this article to create poll for your website.

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