When the default audience segments provided do not match your requirements, you can always create your own custom audience segment to target for any experiment.

In Targeting tab, click "Add Custom Audience"

Creating Custom Audience

There are multiple options to help you create the perfect audience segment that you would like to target for the experiment. You can select from an array of options provided in the drop down menu to match your requirement.

Custom audience segments are divided into groups. You can add audience to a group by clicking on ‘⊕’ on the right and tie them with functions such as ‘AND’ and ‘OR’. You can delete them by clicking on the ‘X’ next to the add button.


You can also create an additional condition group by clicking on Add another group in the bottom. This option will help you create multiple condition groups which would be tied through functions.

Let us navigate this feature through an example. Suppose you want to target the experiment only to

Returning Users from United Kingdom who use Chrome only (OR)
New visitors from the United States who land through Firefox only

Step 1. Select ‘Visitor Type’ equals ‘Returning’ and click on ‘⊕’. Ensure the condition is ‘AND’ between the two conditions.

Step 2. Select ‘Location’ equals ‘United Kingdom’ and click on ‘⊕’. Ensure the condition is ‘AND’ between the two conditions.

Step 3. Select ‘Browser’ equals ‘Chrome’

Step 4. Click on ‘Add another group’. Ensure the condition between the two groups is ‘OR’.

Step 5. Select ‘Visitor Type’ equals ‘New’ and click on ‘⊕’. Ensure the condition is ‘AND’ between the two conditions.

Step 6. Select ‘Location’ equals ‘United States’ and click on ‘⊕’. Ensure the condition is ‘AND’ between the two conditions.

Step 7. Select ‘Browser’ equals ‘Firefox’

The final selection looks like

Custom Audience Group

Thus, you can easily select the audience as per your requirement with this option.

1. Each audience group is defined by the line on the left.
2. Conditions between audience groups should be consistent (i.e) The conditions between 3 audience groups can either be ‘AND’ or ‘OR’ and cannot be mixed.

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